Sunday, October 9, 2011

EU calls on Israel and Palestinians to meet soon

The European Union has called on Israel and the Palestinians to meet soon ahead of the deadline for accepting the Quartet formula.

Israel has formally accepted the Quartet formula, while Abbas has refused to do so until his childish demands are met.  After all, they can demand all they want, but if Israel demands something in return...

Until Abbas realizes that negotiations without pre-conditions are the best path to peace, and it is ridiculous to expect Israel to give up everything before negotiations, and especially not to offer anything in return, as well as to make huge demands as though violence (1948 war, 1967 war, two intifadas, hundreds of terrorist attacks, thousands of deaths, etc) should be rewarded, there is no hope for any peace or peace talks.

And Abbas needs to realize that peace talks can't fully revolve around him.  Netanyahu expressed that he has reservations about the Quartet proposal - but sometimes you have to give up a few things for the sake of peace.  Netanyahu will express these reservations when the peace talks come around - and Abbas can do the same.  And then you negotiate.

That's why it's called negotiations.

And that's why the Palestinian statehood bid is called a unilateral action (which violates Oslo Accords too and won't lead to any real peace).

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